Winning a comprehensive energy performance contract

The town of Rueil-Malmaison, France, entrusted a consortium led by Ozaïq with a comprehensive energy performance contract covering seven of its most energy-intensive sites.

Energy transition in buildings means sharing responsibility with providers through global public performance contracts (known in France as MPGP).  As part of its multi-year building stock renovation, maintenance, and improvement plan, the town of Rueil –Malmaison, France entrusted a consortium led by Ozaïq with a comprehensive energy performance contract covering seven of its most energy-intensive sites.   

The contract covers six educational establishments and the municipal administration centre, with a combined surface area of 34,500 sq. metres. Iit includes the design and delivery, the design and delivery of energy retrofit measures for building envelopes and systems as well as operation and maintenance services over a 10-year period.   

“More and more regional and local authorities are seeing the value of global public performance contracts in connection with energy transition”, says Marc Lejeune, Global Public Contract Project Manager at VINCI Energies.  

The project will allow a reduction of at least 30% in overall energy consumption across the seven sites over the next ten years. To achieve this, the consortium chose to work on a full range of technical batches: external thermal insulation, renovation of some door and window frames, LED lighting controlled by building automation systems (BAS), thermostatic taps (also BAS-managed), solar panels, and connections to the local urban heat network.