Actemium takes on a methanisation and cogeneration project 

On Réunion Island, Actemium is managing a methanisation and cogeneration project to improve energy efficiency at the Rivière du Mât distillery.

Established in 1886, Rivière du Mât is one of Réunion’s oldest working distilleries. In 2011, to improve its energy efficiency, the distillery built its first digester, which reuses residue from the distillation process. 

Actemium played a key support role in a methanisation and cogeneration project developed for the distillery in 2018. This work made it possible to process the vinasse byproduct in its entirety, transforming the digester into an energy-positive installation. 

Methanisation is a natural biological process that produces biogas from the decomposition of organic matter – biomass – in the absence of oxygen, due to the presence of microorganisms. (Source: Chambres d’Agriculture). 

Biomass cogeneration allows the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. The electricity can be fed into the power supply network or used to secure energy networks in the event of power outages. The heat can be used to transform water into steam and generate additional electricity, or directly supply a heating system (source: Actemium). 

In 2020, a second digester was installed, enabling the distillery to reduce its fossil fuel consumption by 90%. More than 80% of the distillery’s electricity and steam needs are now being met with renewable energies. Any excess energy is exported to the power grid.  

In late 2023, Actemium signed a new contract with the Rivière du Mât distillery to renovate its rum cellars. This ATEX-designated project will include a complete overhaul of the site and its electrical installations.