Five children saved thanks to the VINCI Energies Coureurs du Cœur! 

On 6 July, a team of 50 VINCI Energies Coureurs du Coeur took part in L’Étape du Tour cyclosportive to save children with heart abnormalities. Thanks to their efforts and the support of our employees, the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque charity will be able to provide operations for five children.

Since 2017, VINCI Energies has been supporting Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, a charity that brings children with heart abnormalities to France for surgical treatment if the financial and technical means to treat them are not available in their home countries.

Once again this year, VINCI Energies and Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque formed a team of 50 cyclists for L’Étape du Tour de France. On 6 July 2024, they set off on a 138 km route between Nice and the Col de la Couillole, climbing 4,600 metres and crossing four passes along the way. Their objective was to raise funds and improve the charity’s visibility.

The operation also received support from VINCI Energies employees, who took part in an internal challenge via the United Heroes app to cover as many kilometres as possible and help save more children. From 17 June to 7 July 2024, VINCI Energies automatically converted every 30 points collected in the app into a €0.20 donation to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

Thanks to these efforts, five children will get life-saving operations with Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. 

Photos credits: Eric Barnabé