A springboard back into work 

To find temporary accommodation and make a fresh start: these were the goals for Mickaël, who is receiving help from a solidarity initiative by the Bureaux du Coeur association with support from Actemium Marine.

Mickaël’s story took a new turn with Optimi’sm, an association supported by the Fondation VINCI which facilitates access to employment through farming. He already had a job with the association, but one key element for a stable life was missing – somewhere to live. Optimi’sm put Mickaël in touch with Bureaux du Coeur, an association that makes use of business premises to provide people in difficult situations with stability, security and privacy. 

Actemium Marine Lorient, headed by Bruno Libert, opened its doors to Mickaël, providing him with a specially equipped area to help him benefit from this re-employment opportunity in the most favourable conditions. All this was made possible by the commitment of Charlotte Le Marre, an Actemium Marine employee and the sponsor of this initiative. She explains: “We all feel involved – it builds team spirit. We all wanted to be part of the project. It gives new meaning to our work.” 

Today, Mickaël is looking even further ahead – his dream now is to open a food truck or restaurant blending the flavours of Martinique with those of Brittany. It’s an ambitious plan, but one that is taking shape day by day. 

To find out more, watch the video: