Training, Learning and Skills Development

We want all our business units to encourage employees to acquire new skills and apply them in their day-to-day work.

Key figures

  • 97000
    employees in 2023
  • 18700
    permanent contracts (or equivalent) signed in 2023
  • 4000
    work-study students in 2023

VINCI Energies Academies

The VINCI Energies Academy aims to spread know-how and soft skills by providing training courses that facilitate acculturation and help spread VINCI Energies’ core values. A total of 120 tailored training courses – in person or online – cover how our business units are managed and function on a day-to‑day basis. 

These courses are run by external and internal experts – such as project managers, health and safety officers and directors, as well as administrative and accounting/financial managers – which guarantees innovative teaching and a concrete approach to our business lines. 

The VINCI Energies Academy network covers Africa, Germany, Brazil, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, the UK and Canada, with courses adapted to suit each specific culture.  

Our brand-led Institutes

Alongside our Academy network, our specialised brand-led Institutes run training courses on our business lines and expertise.

Omexom Institute

The Omexom Institute is dedicated to the energy sector. Its training courses cover topics such as traffic light maintenance, public lighting, electrical substation security, self-sufficiency and overhead line inspection. Moreover, an online platform helps each of our employees to understand the new challenges involved in the energy transition.

Building Solutions Institute

The Facility Management Institute is dedicated to facility management careers. It helps our employees strengthen their energy performance, operational excellence and digital maintenance skills and learn about specific roles such as hospitality officers or site managers. These courses help employees anticipate changes in their careers and increase their high level of expertise.

In 2020, Axians has inaugurated a new engineering centre in Portugal to provide services in the areas of cybersecurity, cloud and managed services, data analytics and augmented reality.

Work-study programmes, apprenticeships and internships

Our business units pay special attention to young people’s professional integration. Apprenticeships and work-study programmes give us the opportunity to provide young people with training on our business lines, methods and expertise and contemplate long-term collaborations. For example, we have set up an electrotechnical BTS course with the Les Compagnons du Devoir training organisation in eastern France.

Many of our project managers, business unit managers and directors worked their way up internally.

Links with schools

Each year, VINCI Energies signs and renews several partnerships with academic institutions such as ESTP Paris, ENSEEIHT and INSA Strasbourg engineering schools (France), Coventry University (the UK), the University of Queensland (Australia), École Supérieure Polytechnique in Dakar (Senegal) and École Centrale of Casablanca (Morocco).

Axians inaugurates a new engineering centre

Axians has just inaugurated a new engineering centre in the city of Castelo Branco (Portugal) to provide services in the areas of cybersecurity, cloud and managed services, data analytics and augmented reality.

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