New heliport for São João Hospital in Porto 

Sotécnica was selected to develop and install lighting and accessibility solutions for the new heliport at São João Hospital in Porto.

To speed up the transfer to hospital for seriously injured patients, São João Hospital in Porto (CHUSP) has installed a new heliport. For this large-scale project, Sotécnica was selected to develop a complete lighting system for the landing platform, and to manage the installation of two elevators to expedite patient transfers to the emergency department. 

The base for the heliport landing pad, measuring 1,600 sq. metres, was built on a raised platform six metres high. This innovative design allows direct access to the elevators via a chute, helping to transfer patients to the emergency department even more quickly. 

Paulo Amorim, Deputy Director at Sotécnica, highlights the importance of this project: “With this new heliport, CHUSP can respond more quickly to emergencies and critical patients in northern Portugal. Sotécnica is extremely proud to be part of this project.”