A new chapter for King

Meet King, a child who has benefited from life-saving surgery thanks to VINCI Energies' Coureurs du Cœur.

Since 2017, VINCI Energies has been supporting Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, a charity that brings children with heart defects to France for surgical treatment if the financial and technical means to treat them are not available in their home countries.     

On 6 July last, fifty VINCI Energies Coureurs du Cœur took part in the Stage du Tour to save children with heart defects with the charity Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. Among them was King David, an 18-month-old boy from the Republic of Congo.

He suffered from ventricular septal defect (VSD), requiring urgent surgery. Thanks to the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque teams, King was taken in by a volunteer family and successfully operated on at the Children’s Hospital in Toulouse.

Along with Dieynaba, King is one of five children to have undergone surgery thanks to VINCI Energies’ Coureurs du Cœur: